With Jaren Haber, Lisa Singh, Ceren Budak, Meena Balan, Ryan Callahan, Rob Churchill, Brandon Herren, and […]
with Gaurav Sood and Jon A. Krosnick. 2015. Journal of Communication 65(4), 660-673. doi:10.1111/jcom.12165
What motivates a conspiracy theory? Birther beliefs, partisanship, liberal-conservative ideology, and anti-Black attitudes
with Tobias H. Stark, Jon A. Krosnick, Trevor Tompson. Forthcoming. (2015). Electoral Studies 40. 482-489.  doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2014.09.009.
with Eian More and Daniel Romer. 2009. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 6(3/4) 197-215.
with Daniel Romer and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 2009. Political Communication, 26(1), 65-83. doi: 10.1080/10584600802622878
with Lauren Feldman, Daniel Romer, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 2008. Applied Developmental Science, 12(1), 26-37.10.1080/10888690801910526.
with Lauren Feldman, Daniel Romer, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. 2007. American Journal of Education, 12(1), 26-37. […]