Josh Pasek is Professor of Communication & Media and Political Science, Faculty Associate in the Center for Political Studies, and Associate Director of the Michigan Institute for Data Science at the University of Michigan. His research explores how new media and psychological processes each shape political attitudes, public opinion, and political behaviors. Josh also examines issues in the measurement of public opinion including techniques for reducing measurement error and improving population inferences. His work explores how both accurate and inaccurate political information influence public opinion and voter decision-making, evaluates whether the use of online social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter might be changing the political information environment, and assesses the conditions under which nonprobability samples, such as those obtained using data science techniques or samples of Internet volunteers can lead to conclusions similar to those of traditional probability samples. His work has been published in Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Communication, Communication Research, and the Journal of Communication among other outlets. He maintains the R packages anesrake and weights and is a coauthor of the books Words That Matter and Democracy Amid Crises.
Research Areas: Political Communication, Survey Methodology, New and Emerging Technologies, Media Psychology, Public Opinion, Data Science
Contact Josh at:
Department of Communication and Media
105 S. State Street, 5413 North Quad
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
[email protected]