Negativity and Positivity Biases in Economic News Coverage: Traditional vs. Social Media
with Stuart N. Soroka, Mark Daku, Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice, and Lauren Guggenheim. 2018. Communication Research, 45(7). doi: 10.1177/0093650217725870
Perceptions of health risks of cigarette smoking: A new measure reveals widespread misunderstanding
with Jon A. Krosnick, Neil Malhotra, Cecilia H. Mo, Edward F. Bruera, LinChiat Chang, and Randall […]
Motivated Reasoning in Perceived Credibility of Public Opinion Polls
with Ozan Kuru and Michael W. Traugott. 2017. Public Opinion Quarterly. 81(2) 422-446.
Real-World Use and Self-Reported Health Outcomes of a Patient-Designed Do-it-Yourself Mobile Technology System for Diabetes: Lessons for Mobile Health
with Joyce M. Lee, Mark W. Newman, Achamyeleh Gebremariam, Preciosa Choi, Dana Lewis, Weston Nordgren, John Costik, […]
Understanding and measuring mobile Facebook use
with Ozan Kuru, Joseph Bayer, & Scott W. Campbell (2017). Mobile Media and Communication, 5(1) 102-120. […]
Another Reason Clinton Lost Michigan: Trump Was Listed First on the Ballot
Trump’s margin of victory in Michigan in 2016 was so small that he probably wouldn’t have won […]
When Democrats and Republicans see polls that suggest that their favored candidate is losing, they regard […]
Improving social media measurement in surveys: Avoiding acquiescence bias in Facebook research
with Ozan Kuru. Computers in Human Behavior 57, 82-92.