Ethical Concerns of AI
Jeff Persi - A blog examining AI Biases, Ethics, and Privacy
Anika Minocha - While learning about the implications of AI in the creative realm, I was particularly intrigued--and a bit worried. I've been doing photography since I was a sophomore in high school, and one of the biggest thing that drew me to it then (and still draws me to it now) is how much you can push the limits of creativity through a singular photograph. I especially enjoy photographing people; if you manage to align all of the variables in just the right way, you get to capture an image that invokes emotion: what I see as the ultimate goal of photography. So when I heard that AI was being used to do supposedly similar things that I do, I was immediately interested to see just how well these tools can execute an editorial photography concept.
Sami Hoang - Drawing inspiration from the activity we did all the way back at the beginning of the semester, I used Chat-GPT to generate fictional quotes for the board game challenges.
Christian Bartholomew - A blog about the impacts of artificial intelligence.
Olivia Mulhern - A paper surrounding the idea of artificial intelligence in the workplace, with the highlighted perspective of those of us also entering the workforce.
Nell Connelly - A graphic novel illustrating some of the potential dangers of AI misuse.
Rachel Roterman - Heartware is definitely not making it on the big screen any time soon, but why not? As it turns out, AI in its current state is only as useful as the human behind the screen putting input. That’s not to say AI can’t make some pretty incredible things- it absolutely can. Take Jason M. Allen’s piece created in Midjourney: “Théâtre D’opéra Spatial,” which took home the blue ribbon at the Colorado State Fair. However, he explains that he had to use a very specific prompt in order to obtain the drawing, which he chose not to disclose.
Gillian Pickney - AI-Driven Communication can ensure that individuals can have their specific questions promptly addressed without the hassle of waiting or scheduling an additional appointment. Through personalized interactions that are tailored to each patient’s unique needs, individuals can feel acknowledged, informed, and empowered in navigating decisions about their health and wellbeing.
Comm 408 Take-Away Website
David Lime - This website aims to share valuable insights and knowledge acquired during the course "Communication and Media 408 - AI in Human Communication" throughout the semester. On this page, I will touch on key points from each week of the semester. Whether you're considering enrolling in the course or simply intrigued by the capabilities of AI, this website caters to your curiosity! Explore the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discover its applications in the realm of human communication. Join me on this journey of learning and exploration!
Noelle Kaufmann - For my final project, I decided to do a mixture of a proposal for the University of Michigan not to incorporate AI within the art programs, as well as an informative rundown of AI in art and its history. I wanted to make it not seem like a super severe proposal but more like a way to learn about the consequences of using it within the field of art and the controversies around its incorporation.