Assessing Polling Errors in the 2020 U.S.Presidential Election: An Examination of State-Level Panel Data
AAPOR 2021 — In 2020, a series of state-level pre-election polls indicated that Joe Biden would […]
Words That Matter: How the News and Social Media Shaped the 2016 Presidential Campaign
with Bode, L., Budak, C., Ladd, J.M., Newport, F., Singh, L.O., Soroka, S.N., & Traugott, M.W. […]
Relations Between Variables and Trends Over Time in Rdd Telephone and Nonprobability Sample Internet Surveys
with Krosnick, J.A. (2020). Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8 (1) 37–61.
A Review of Conceptual Approaches and Empirical Evidence on Probability and Nonprobability Sample Survey Research
with Cornesse, C., Blom, A.G., Dutwin, D., Krosnick, J.A., De Leeuw, E.D., Legleye, S., Pennay, D., […]
Social Media as an Alternative to Surveys of Opinions About the Economy
with Conrad, F.G., Gagnon-Bartsch, J.A., Ferg, R.A., Schober, M.F., & Hou, E. (2019). Social Science Computer […]
Who’s Tweeting About the President? What Big Survey Data Can Tell Us About Digital Traces
with McClain, C.A., Newport, F., & Marken, S. (2019). Social Science Computer Review.
Why Don’t Tweets Consistently Track Elections? Lessons from Linking Twitter and Survey Data Streams
with Dailey, J. (2018). In Stroud, N.J. & McGregor, S. (eds) Digital Discussions: How Big Data Informs Political […]
Linking Knowledge Networks Web Panel Data with External Data
In: Vannette D., Krosnick J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. 607-619. Palgrave Macmillan.
Linking Individual-Level Survey Data to Consumer File Records
In: Vannette D., Krosnick J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. 263-266. Palgrave Macmillan.