Has the Supreme Court become just another political branch? Public perceptions of court approval and legitimacy in a post-Dobbs world
With Matthew Levendusky, Shawn Patterson Jr, Michele Margolis, Kenneth Winneg, Kathleen H Jamieson. 2023. Science Advances. […]
Democracy amid Crises: Polarization, Pandemic, Protests, and Persuasion
Annenberg IOD Collaborative (with Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Matthew Levendusky, R Lance Holbert, Andrew Renninger, Yotam Ophir, […]
Exploring the Role of Media Use Within an Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM) Approach to Vote Likelihood
With R. Lance Holbert, Nicholas C. Dias, Bruce W. Hardy, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Matthew S. Levendusky, […]
Words That Matter: How the News and Social Media Shaped the 2016 Presidential Campaign
with Bode, L., Budak, C., Ladd, J.M., Newport, F., Singh, L.O., Soroka, S.N., & Traugott, M.W. […]
When Polls Disagree: How Competitive Results and Methodological Quality Shape Partisan Perceptions of Polls and Electoral Predictions
with Kuru, O. & Traugott, M.W. (2020) International Journal of Public Opinion Research 32(3) 586-603. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpor/edz035
Who’s Tweeting About the President? What Big Survey Data Can Tell Us About Digital Traces
with McClain, C.A., Newport, F., & Marken, S. (2019). Social Science Computer Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439318822007
Why Don’t Tweets Consistently Track Elections? Lessons from Linking Twitter and Survey Data Streams
with Dailey, J. (2018). In Stroud, N.J. & McGregor, S. (eds) Digital Discussions: How Big Data Informs Political […]
Following and Predicting Elections: Tracking the Tools to Pool the Polls
2015. Public Opinion Quarterly 79(2) 594-619. doi: 10.1093/poq/nfu060.
Prevalence and Moderators of the Candidate Name-Order Effect: Evidence from Statewide General Elections in California
with Daniel Schneider, Jon A. Krosnick, Alexander Tahk, Eyal Ophir and Claire Milligan. 2014. Public Opinion Quarterly […]
Attitudes Toward Blacks in the Obama Era: Changing Distributions and Impacts on Job Approval and Electoral Choice, 2008–2012
with Tobias H. Stark, Jon A. Krosnick, Trevor Tompson, and B. Keith Payne. 2014. Public Opinion Quarterly 78(S1) […]