Communication and Media 408 Final Project

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About Me

My name is David Lime. I'm a senior at the University of Michigan studying Communication and Media. I'm from East Grand Rapids, MI. I love traveling and spending time on the water. Upon graduation, I'm moving to San Francisco, California to pursue a career in sales for Adobe.


This website aims to share valuable insights and knowledge acquired during the course "Communication and Media 408 - AI in Human Communication" throughout the semester. On this page, I will touch on key points from each week of the semester. Whether you're considering enrolling in the course or simply intrigued by the capabilities of AI, this website caters to your curiosity! Explore the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discover its applications in the realm of human communication. Join me on this journey of learning and exploration!

Artificial Intelligence Explained

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. It encompasses a variety of technologies and approaches, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. A language learning model, in the context of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, refers to a computer-based system that is designed to understand, process, and generate human language. These models are built using machine learning techniques, particularly deep learning, to analyze and comprehend the structure, semantics, and context of language. AI has the potential to revolutionize how we communicate, analyze media, and conduct research. As we delve into the fascinating world of AI, we'll explore its capabilities, implications, and the ways it shapes the future of human communication.

Week 1 - Can Intelligence Be Artificial?

Terrance Sejnowski explains in Large Language Models and the Reverse Turing Test that “What appears to be intelligence in LLMs may, in fact, be a mirror that reflects the intelligence of the interviewer” (Sejnowski 309).

Artificial intelligence is highly dependent on the input from the user. Priming and phrasing are extremely important in receiving constructive output from AI. In other words, LLMs today are only as intelligent as the human being controlling it. Is AI capable of storing more information than human beings? In a way, yes. However, these platforms are simply spitting out the next best word that it sees fit.

True intelligence, as we know it, incorporates all five senses. The integration of all five senses allows individuals to perceive and understand the world in a comprehensive and nuanced manner. AI is incapable of doing this.

AI, while proficient in specific tasks, lacks the holistic sensory experience that defines human intelligence. The richness and complexity of human intelligence, especially in contextual understanding and creative problem-solving, highlight the current limitations of AI in achieving a truly human-like intelligence. However, AI is continually growing more intelligent with advancements in machine learning and deep learning; the full extent of its future capabilities remains uncertain.

Week 2 - Understanding Generative AI Tools

Generative models are trained on large datasets containing examples of the kind of content they are expected to generate. For language generation, these datasets may consist of text from books, articles, websites, or any other source of human-generated text.

The core of generative AI tools is a neural network, which is a computational model inspired by the human brain. In the case of language generation, transformer models like OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) are commonly used. These models have layers of attention mechanisms that enable them to capture context and relationships in the input data.

Once trained, the generative AI tool can generate new content by predicting the next word or sequence of words based on a given input or context. This is often done autoregressively, meaning the model generates one word at a time while considering the context of the previous words.

It's important to note that while generative AI tools can produce impressive and contextually relevant content, they may also generate outputs that are factually incorrect or biased.

Week 3 - What Can AI Do?

As we are all aware, AI is reshaping the modern world. In “The Most Important Job Skill of This Century” by Charlie Warzel, Warzel explains that the ability to communicate with these machines will be a high-value skill in the 21st century.

Individuals that leverage the power of AI will find more success than those that don't. I enrolled in this course to gain a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence and equip myself with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of technology and innovation. I'm hopeful that my learnings in this class will provide me with a competitive advantage upon graduation.

Week 4 - What is GAI Generating?

An unfortunate but true reality of AI tools is that bias is often very apparent.

The reading "Jailbreaking ChatGPT via Prompt Engineering: An Empirical Study" explains that misuse of prompt engineering can lead to biases. Bias in LLMs arises from the biases present in the training data, which is typically sourced from diverse internet content.

Addressing bias in LLMs is a challenging task that involves careful curation of training data, continuous monitoring, and adjustments to the model architecture. Ethical considerations and ongoing research are essential to minimize bias and ensure fair and unbiased behavior in AI systems Navigating the realm of AI, it's crucial for us humans to tackle the issue of subtle biases embedded in these systems.

Week 5 - When is AI use appropriate?

During this week of class, I thought it'd be interesting to ask AI the question, "when is AI use appropriate?"

ChatGPT wrote AI use is not appropriate when it jeopardizes human values, rights, and well-being, or when it undermines transparency, fairness, and accountability. Careful consideration of the potential consequences and ethical implications is essential to ensure that AI technology is used responsibly and for the benefit of society.

One could argue that according to ChatGPT's definition, the use of AI today is already inappropriate. AI already has undermined transparency, fairness, and accountability. In the later sections, I will discuss how AI is contributing the misinformation on the internet.

Week 6 - The Breadth of Applications

The applications of AI are incredibly diverse and have a profound impact on our daily lives. In healthcare, AI plays a crucial role in diagnostics and treatment planning, revolutionizing the way we approach medical challenges. The field of autonomous vehicles is rapidly evolving, thanks to AI advancements, reshaping our transportation systems. In finance, AI algorithms sift through massive datasets, influencing investment decisions. Customer service experiences are enhanced through AI-powered chatbots, and educational platforms leverage AI for personalized learning. The breadth of AI applications seems limitless, transforming various industries and promising continued innovation and efficiency in the future.

Week 7 - AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the transformative potential to revolutionize the education system, ushering in a new era of personalized and effective learning. Through adaptive learning platforms powered by AI, students can receive customized educational experiences tailored to their individual needs, pace, and learning styles. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify students' strengths, weaknesses, and unique learning patterns, enabling educators to provide targeted interventions and support. Additionally, AI tools facilitate the creation of interactive and engaging educational content, making learning more dynamic and stimulating. Intelligent tutoring systems can offer real-time feedback, fostering a self-paced and mastery-based approach to education. By harnessing the power of AI, the education system can become more inclusive, responsive, and effective, ultimately empowering students with the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges of the future.

Weeks 8-11 - Your Week 8-11 Title

Week 8 - AI in the Workplace

AI poses challenges in the workplace by potentially displacing jobs through automation and introducing biases in decision-making processes. Additionally, concerns regarding data privacy, security, and ethical implications arise with the increasing reliance on AI systems, necessitating careful consideration for responsible integration.

On the positive side, AI can significantly aid the workplace by automating routine tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on complex problem-solving and strategic initiatives. AI-driven analytics enhance decision-making processes, providing valuable insights for more informed and effective choices. Collaborative AI tools can streamline communication and teamwork, fostering a dynamic and innovative work culture. Furthermore, AI can contribute to upskilling and reskilling programs, ensuring that employees remain adaptable in the face of evolving technology, thus promoting a workforce well-prepared for the future.

Opinion: While many are afraid of the future of AI in the Workplace... I am very excited and believe it will do good!

Week 9 - AI in Creative Arts

AI poses a threat to the creative arts industry by automating certain aspects of content creation, potentially diminishing the uniqueness and personal touch of artistic expression. The use of AI-generated content raises questions about authorship, originality, and the preservation of traditional artistic skills. Furthermore, the algorithmic nature of AI may inadvertently reinforce existing trends, limiting diversity in artistic styles and perspectives.

Opinion: While the above is certainly true, there is great opportunity for artists to use AI to uplift their creative efforts. The synergy between human creativity and AI capabilities offers artists new dimensions for expression and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of the arts.

Week 10 - When is AI Use Appropriate?

AI use is appropriate when it enhances efficiency, aids in complex problem-solving, or automates repetitive tasks, ultimately contributing positively to productivity and innovation. Ethical considerations, transparency, and accountability should guide the responsible deployment of AI, ensuring alignment with human values and societal well-being. Ultimately, schools and corporations must set their own boundaries.

Week 11 - Futurecasting

The future of AI remains uncertain, marked by the dual prospects of tremendous advancements and potential challenges. While AI holds the promise of transformative innovations across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and education, concerns persist regarding ethical implications, job displacement, and the unforeseen consequences of increasingly sophisticated AI systems. Striking a balance between reaping the benefits of AI's capabilities and addressing its risks demands ongoing research, ethical guidelines, and a collaborative effort from the global community. The trajectory of AI development will be shaped by decisions made today, making it crucial to approach the future with cautious optimism and a commitment to responsible AI practices.

Opinion: It's on us, as humans, to steer the future of AI in the right direction. We need to make sure that biases don't spiral out of control and actively push for ethical and responsible AI development.

Week 12 - AI in Ethics and Law

AI in law holds great promise, particularly in expediting legal research through rapid analysis of extensive legal documents. Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables AI tools to comprehend complex legal language, streamlining information retrieval for legal professionals. Additionally, AI enhances contract review processes by automating key term extraction, risk identification, and compliance checks. Predictive analytics aids lawyers in foreseeing case outcomes, guiding strategic decisions based on historical data. However, ethical considerations, including transparency and bias mitigation, must be carefully addressed to ensure responsible AI integration in the legal field.

Additionally, a large concern is AI's capability to provide false information. There have been several situations where lawyers leverage ChatGPT when working on a case and Chat gives false information.

Week 13 - AI in Public Policy

AI plays a pivotal role in shaping public policy and geopolitics, offering unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Automated data analysis enables policymakers to make informed decisions by quickly processing vast amounts of information. However, the deployment of AI in this context raises concerns about transparency, accountability, and the potential for biases in decision-making algorithms. Geopolitical competition in AI development underscores the importance of establishing ethical guidelines and international cooperation to mitigate risks and ensure responsible AI use. As AI continues to influence public policy, it necessitates thoughtful regulation and collaboration to harness its benefits while addressing ethical and geopolitical implications.

However, the increasing reliance on AI in shaping public policy and geopolitics introduces challenges, particularly concerning transparency and accountability in decision-making processes. The potential biases inherent in AI algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate social inequalities, posing a risk to fair and equitable policy outcomes. Additionally, geopolitical competition in AI development raises concerns about the misuse of advanced technologies for malicious purposes, including disinformation campaigns that could disrupt global relations and democratic processes.

Week 14 - Course Reflection

Upon reflection, this course is one of the most impactful I've taken as a student at the University of Michigan. The course material is very relevant - it is crucial for students to acquire knowledge about AI, as understanding its principles and applications prepares them for the evolving landscape of the digital age

AI Usage on this Project

I have no coding experience. I have not taken a single class that relates to coding throughout my entire academic career. I leveraged ChatGPT for all coding efforts. Additionally, ChatGPT played a role in the writen content on the website.

This project was a great challenge. I was blown away with the capability of AI. While the UX of the website is poor, I'm tremendously proud of the outcome considering I have no coding experience at all. This speaks to the power of AI. Thank you and onward!


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